
Fat Cutter Drink – For Extreme Weight Loss (10 Kg)

If you are one of those people who love food, cutting down the intake of food is almost impossible. Moreover, if you want to shed the extra pounds, you must consider undertaking some lifestyle changes, including healthy and strict diet, getting proper sleep, and regular physical exercise.
Fortunately, there is another natural way of losing weight. So, forget about the challenging process of weight loss. Instead, try the following fat cutter drink. This powerful drink will help you in extreme weight loss, by speeding up the fat burning process. You will be able to lose up to 10 Kg.

Fat Cutter Drink Recipe

  • 1 glass of water
  • 2-3 tbsp Aloe Vera juice
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp ginger powder
  • 1 tbsp honey
First, take 1 glass of filtered water and add the Aloe Vera juice in it. Then, add the lemon juice, the ginger powder, and honey. Mix the ingredients well and the drink is ready. Consume it on a daily basis on an empty stomach until you notice the results. Moreover, in order to maximize the benefits, combine this drink with a healthy diet and plenty of water.

Why does this remedy work?

What make this remedy so beneficial are the powerful ingredients. All of the ingredients are natural and packed with some amazing health and beauty benefits. Here are some of them:
Aloe Vera contains some outstanding medicinal properties. It is a great source of vitamins and minerals, and it is effective for promoting the weight loss process. Moreover, it has amino acids, fatty acids, and antioxidants, which boost the metabolic rate and help with weight loss. Furthermore, it detoxifies the body and aids digestion.
Lemon is a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants. It breaks down the body fat and makes it available as a source of energy for the body.
Ginger speeds the metabolism, helps in fat loss, aids digestion process, and keeps the stomach healthy.
Honey provides the necessary energy for the body and promotes the weight loss process.

The Truth About The Unofficial Fad Mayo Clinic Grapefruit Diet

The Truth About The Unoffcial Fad Mayo Clinic Grapefruit Diet
The grapefruit diet, like most fad diets, promise you can lose weight fast by reducing the types and amounts of food you eat. It is also known as the “Mayo Clinic grapefruit diet”, although the Mayo Clinic did not invent the diet, or even approve it.

Let’s say that the so-called key in this diet consists of the thermogenic properties of grapefruit, it means that the body must consume more calories to process the food than the calories the food actually contains. Therefore, eating more grapefruit naturally will produce a caloric deficit without any additional effort. So, what does this diet mean and does it give you results?

The grapefruit diet: how does it work?

As noted above, the grapefruit diet was developed with the assumption that grapefruit acts as a thermogenic food. But of course, the diet mainly works, just like any other fad diet, limiting the amount and variety of foods for the purpose of controlling the number of calories you ingest.

Although this diet allows you to choose portion sizes in some food categories, the diet provides a total of 800 calories per day. Therefore, you will lose weight simply because your body needs around 1500-2000 calories so you can maintain your current weight.

The menu in three daily meals

Meals on this diet are highly regulated. One of the peculiarities is that it reduces the number of daily meals to three, breakfast, lunch and dinner, to be consumed in a continuous period of 12 days. Here are the different proposals for each of the meals:

  • Half a grapefruit or 8 ounces of grapefruit juice,
  • 2 eggs cooked in any style,
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • Half a grapefruit
  • 2 cooked eggs
  • Coffee or tea without sugar or 1 toast.
  • Half a grapefruit or 8 ounces of grapefruit juice,
  • Salad with dressing of your choice,
  • Meat of any kind and quantity.
  • 2 eggs (prepared without fat) or alternate with 100 grams of meat,
  • Tomatoes at will,
  • 1/2 grapefruit,
  • Coffee or tea without sugar.
  • 1/2 grapefruit or 8 ounces of grapefruit juice,
  • Salad with dressing,
  • Meat or ×sh of any kind and quantity, cooked in any style
  • Black coffee or tea
  • 2 eggs,
  • Lettuce, celery, cucumber at will,
  • 1 toast, coffee or tea without sugar.
You should eat until you are full, you should drink at least 64 ounces of water per day, you have to limit the amount of caffeine you drink. As for prohibited foods, the restriction is notorious, so you should leave aside the following:
  • Fats,
  • Sugars,
  • Foods high in starch (cereals, all bread, rice, pasta, potatoes…),
  • Vegetables and legumes,
  • Dairy products,
  • Most fruits except grapefruit.

Does it work?

Just like in the vast majority of fad diets, you will no doubt see results at the end of the 12- day period. You should see a weight loss in a range of 4 to 6 kilos and possibly more. However, you should keep in mind that this is a short-term solution. If you continue with this diet beyond the 12 day period, your body will begin to adapt to fewer calories.

Basically, you will begin to enter hunger mode, and your metabolism will slow down while your body will naturally try to retain as much energy as it can. This, in turn, will cause your weight loss to reach the plateau and you will not see the same results after this period.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Among the advantages we can mention is that it is a diet easy to carry out, as it does not require an excessive culinary preparation. Additionally, if it is urgent that you lose weight fast for a beach party, this diet will provide you with the initial weight loss boost you are looking for.
As for the drawbacks, it can not last more than 14 days and, if this period is exceeded, you would endanger your metabolism due to the low and insufficient caloric intake that your body receives. Also, you will realize that the weight you initially lose will come back fairly quickly once you start eating normally again and you can even gain more kilos due to the yo-yo effect. Moreover, you should pay attention to the following warnings:

– Deficiencies in protein, calcium, potassium, vitamins and many other nutrients are inevitable.

– This diet can cause fatigue and even dizziness as the body regains its energy in adipose tissues (fat) but also in muscle tissues.

– The feeling of hunger is high.

Therefore, to avoid greater evils, do not forget to carry out a healthy diet that allows you to maintain your levels of nutrients, proteins, and vitamins in place. You may be able to follow the grapefruit diet for a short time, but as a long-term solution to losing weight and for your overall health, this diet is not the right one for you.
  • 15:20

15 Amazing Benefits Of Green Coffee Beans For Skin, Hair And Health

Green coffee beans are unroasted seeds of the plant Coffea Arabica. During roasting, the natural antioxidants present in the coffee beans are removed, which is not at all beneficial for our health. But as these green coffee beans do not go through the same procedure, they are considered as highly beneficial for our overall health. Read on below to know more:

Benefits of Green Coffee Beans for Health:

1. Rich In Anti-Oxidants:

Green coffee beans are rich in antioxidants, which reduce the damaging effects of free radicals in our body and take care of our overall health. A number of studies have confirmed that raw and unprocessed green coffee beans possess 100% pure Chlorogenic Acid (CGA), which is basically an ester of caffeic acid having strong antioxidant properties. It can put a check on the levels of glucose in our bloodstream and prevent our skin cells from getting dented.

2. Boosts Metabolism:

The Chlorogenic Acid present in green coffee beans is also known as a metabolism booster. It increases the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of our body to a great extent, which minimizes excessive release of glucose from the liver into blood. Due to the lack of glucose, our body starts burning the stored fat cells in order to fulfill its glucose requirement. Thus, pure green coffee beans raise our fat burning capability and eventually help us shed off excess weight.

3. Helps Burn Extra Fat:

These beans also contain large amount of kelp. It is a certain type of seaweed loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it helps in maintaining the levels of nutrients in our body. In unison, it perks up the burning metabolism of our body so that we can burn out unwanted fat and calories fast.

4. Suppresses Appetite:

If you are suffering from frequent hunger pangs, green coffee beans can help you very much. Being a strong and effective appetite suppressant, it can control our cravings for food and averts us from overeating. So, our body starts burning the fat deposits and we get rid of additional weight.

5. Treatment Of Diabetes:

These green beans are also capable of treating Type 2 Diabetes successfully. Their extract is known to lower high levels of sugar in our bloodstream, while accelerating weight loss. Both of these are essential for curing Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.

6. Reduces Levels Of Bad Cholesterol:

Our cholesterol levels can be checked considerably with green coffee beans. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), also known as ‘bad cholesterol’, is the main culprit that makes us vulnerable to deadly cardiovascular disorders including cardiac arrest. Studies have shown that it can be prevented by consuming green coffee bean extract regularly.

7. Helps Improving Blood Circulation:

High blood pressure can lead us to several fatal diseases like stroke, heart failure, chronic renal failure, etc. But researchers have found the presence of a very active and powerful aspirin-like ingredient in green coffee beans that imposes a positive impact on our blood vessels by preventing platelets from getting clustered. As a result, our arteries don’t get hardened and the circulation of blood throughout our body is improved to a great extent.

8. Used For Natural Detoxification:

Green coffee bean extract is a natural detox. It cleanses our liver to make it free from toxins, bad cholesterols, unnecessary fats, and so on. As the liver is detoxified, its functions improve a lot which eventually perks up our metabolism and improves our overall health.

9. Boosts Energy:

Due to the presence of high amount of caffeine, green coffee beans can be used as excellent energy booster. They can raise our energy level and keep us active during the whole day.

Benefits of Green Coffee Beans for Skin

10. Reduces Effect Of Free Radicals:

Chlorogenic Acid present in green coffee beans can reduce the effects of free radicals in our body up to 10 times than regular green tea. As the beans are not roasted, there are some other antioxidative agents from the polyphenol family, Ferulic Acid, etc., which decelerate the ageing procedure and give us youthful skin.

11. Enhances Immune System:

These coffee beans are highly effective in enhancing our immune system. Due to the occurrence of potent free-radical busters, they can help our body eliminate all types of toxic and damaging elements. Consequently, we can get rid of dull and acne-prone skin.

12. Helps Slowing Down The Appearance Of Signs Of Ageing:

Green coffee beans are also known to retain high levels of volatile materials as they do not need to undergo the roasting procedure. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA), Theophylline, Epigallocatechin Gallate, etc. are some of such ingredients that can help us maintain our skin health and avert the appearance of wrinkles.

13. Helps Moisturize Skin:

Apart from the antioxidant agents, green coffee beans are also rich in fatty acids and esters including Arahidic Acid, Linoleic Acid and Oleic Acid, which nourishes and moisturizes our skin to stop sagging, discoloration and other severe damages.

Benefits of Green Coffee Beans for Hair

14. Removes Substances That Damage Hair:

Antioxidant content of green coffee beans is equally beneficial for our hair. As it helps us fight against everything toxic and damaging, our hair remains strong, healthy and beautiful.

15. Fights Baldness:

Androgenetic alopecia, also called ‘female pattern hair loss’ can also be cured with green coffee beans. The extract of these beans can boost the growth as well as thickness of our hair strands significantly.
On the whole, green coffee beans are worth a look if you want to take optimal care of your health, skin and hair.



You want to lose weight on a diet? Don't diet. Seriously.
It's entirely possible to eat all of your favorite foods and watch the pounds disappear. In fact, putting yourself on a strict diet might actually be a recipe for disaster: You’re hungry, cranky, deprived, and have no energy for working out, let alone being social.
Instead, a few simple food swaps—and a few insider secrets—can save you hundreds, even thousands, of calories in each and every meal. With a few simple tweaks throughout your day, you can shed weight without even trying. Enjoy this list of 30 no-diet diet tricks from Eat This, Not That! For more weight-loss tips, check out our 50 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds—Fast!


Think skipping your morning meal will help you save some calories shed some pounds? Think again. It can leave you feeling starving, and more likely to overdo it by lunchtime, which is why you should pre-order a book like Zero Belly Breakfasts. “When you're not eating enough calories, your metabolism can slow down,” Jim White, RD, ACSM Health, and owner of Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios says. “You're more likely to binge eat.”


Coffee is the lifeblood of productivity: It gets you up and energized for the day, and makes it easier to tolerate your annoying coworkers. It can also help you shed some pounds; a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that coffee can help you burn calories by an extra 12 percent.


Morning people are more likely to be happier and thinner, according to a UK study. It could be because of an early exposure to natural sunlight; researchers from Northwest University found that people who were exposed to bright daylight earlier in the day tended to weigh less than those who didn’t get sunlight until later. Like to sleep in? Train yourself to be a morning person by going to bed earlier, and slowly setting your alarm back in 20-minute increments.


Aside from having more energy throughout the day, morning exercisers are more likely to pass on tempting junk food throughout the day, according to a study out if BYU. Plus, if you save your workout for after the office, you’re more likely to blow it off if something important comes up. By getting it out of the way first thing in the morning, you’ll rev up your metabolism and keep burning calories throughout the day.


Keep healthy snacks visible and within reaching distance. A fruit bowl full of apples, clementines, and bananas will make you much more likely to grab a healthy snack than if they were put away.


Keep your fruit serving sizes in check. Fruit is chock-full of filling and slimming fiber, and beneficial vitamins and nutrients. But they also contain sugar, so make sure you’re not overdoing it. “I always try to shoot for two to three fruits a day,” White says.


Don’t restrict yourself when it comes to vegetables, especially the really good-for-you leafy greens. The more you pile your plate with veggies, the less likely you are to fill up on other less-healthy food. “Focus on unlimited veggies,” White says. “I never put a number on veggies, except for the starchy ones.” Starchy veggies include potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin, and corn.


There’s so such thing as “bad” foods, but there are some foods that are healthier than others. For more calorie-dense options (think: nut butters, crackers, hummus), make sure you measure out your portion sizes. You may be eating more than you mean to without realizing it, tacking on extra calories throughout the day.


If you stock up on veggies that last longer, you’re more likely to grab them in a pinch. Make sure your fridge is always stocked with produce you can whip up or munch on quickly: carrots, bell peppers, and squash all last for a week or so. Or, opt for bags of frozen vegetables, which last for months and are usually the cheaper option.


Protein helps build lean muscle, which can help burn fat at rest. It’s also satiating, so eating it will keep you full after every meal. “It's important to have a protein at every single meal,” White says. “Make sure you're getting a variety of protein throughout the day.” This includes snacks; check out our 23 Best High Protein Snacks for ideas.


Protein is important, but it shouldn’t be enjoyed by itself. “I always incorporate a protein and carbohydrate at every meal or a protein and fat,” White says. “It can curb your appetite and it slows down the glycemic index of some of your higher sugar foods.”


White says to aim for around 25 grams a meal for women, and about 35 grams a meal for men. If you’re a gym rat, the formula is a little different. “For athletes, it's around 1.2 to 1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight,” White says. “That's for people that are lifting weights and regular exercisers.”


“Try to stick to small, frequent meals throughout the day,” White advises. “I think that's very important to speed up the metabolism to make sure you're not feeling overly hungry.” He adds this could lead people to overeat at meals. Plus, more frequent meals means your blood sugar levels are evened out, and you have more energy throughout the day, White explains.


“Try to stop eating after dinner,” White advises. “I'm not a big fan of intermittent fasting, but by going the next 12 hours without eating can really help to control and cut some of those calories late at night.”


It’s an age-old weight-loss tip because it works: sipping on water throughout the day can help rev your metabolism, lose weight, and stave off belly fat, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Plus, if you drink before meals, you’re more likely to eat less without even trying, according to a study published in the journal Obesity. All the more reason to keep chugging H2O -- aim for at least 64 ounces a day.


When you have delicious, naturally-flavored water, you’re more likely to drink it. And the extra vitamins and antioxidants from fruit and herbs don’t hurt. Mix up your plain old water with one of our 50 Best Detox Waters for Weight loss.


Don’t be afraid of a little heat. Add some spice to your meals with some chili pepper or hot sauce; chili contains capsaicin, a known appetite suppressant. A study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate capsaicin ate 200 fewer calories at the next meal. Plus, researchers have found that capsaicin can help you lose belly fat.


Make your dishes flavorful with fresh herbs such as dill, basil, and chives; they contain a flavonoid called kaempferol which can boost metabolism and help you lose weight, according to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE.


You don’t normally think of lemons as a fruit you can peel and eat like a snack, but these little citrus fruits pack a major weight-loss punch. Lemons are packed with polyphenols, which can help combat weight gain, and vitamin C, which has been known to reduce the fattening stress hormone cortisol. The peels are also good sources of pectin, which researchers have found help people feel fuller, longer. Add a squeeze of lemon or some fresh lemon zest to your meat, salad, or roasted veggies.


Out of sight, out of mind… especially when it comes to triggering junk food. If you keep treats in the house, stash them away in a tall cabinet or far-away shelf. People who keep snacks out on their counters are more likely to mindlessly munch on them, research has found.


This common-sense advice goes a long way; when you hit the supermarket starving, you’re more likely to stock up on the high-calorie processed foods that make you gain weight. Better yet, fuel up with something healthy before you hit the aisles. Cornell researchers found that participants who ate an apple before grocery shopping were more likely to pick up better-for-you items than those who indulged in a cookie.


Getting large quantities of your favorite snack foods may save you some cash, but it will cost you in the calorie department. Research shows that people who stock up on groceries are more likely to eat them faster. Make sure you’re only grocery shopping for what you need for the week, and portion out any snack food so you’re not tempted to overeat.


Being too restrictive with your food choices is a recipe for disaster. It leads to the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that causes your body to hold on to fat. Plus, it’s not realistic in the long run; if you’re feeling deprived, you’re more likely to binge on more calorie-dense comfort foods, White says.


Not only will you save money, but you’ll save on calories when you eat most of your meals at home rather than in a restaurant. Portion sizes are typically two or three times a proper serving size when you dine out, and places love to tempt you with free tortilla chips and bread baskets. Plus, most restaurants cook with vegetable oil, which can be worse for you than sugar.


Leave the large dinner plates in the cabinet, and eat off a salad plate. When you eat off a smaller plate, it tricks your brain into thinking you’re eating more. Plus, you’re more likely to stick to smaller portions.


If you eat in front of the TV, you’re more likely to eat more, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found. So put your phone away, shut off the TV, and focus on your meal. The more you enjoy your food, the more satisfied you’ll be.


You don’t have to say no to bread and pasta, but be wary of what kind you’re eating. 100% whole grain bread is a complex carbohydrate, which means your body will digest it slower and it won’t spike your blood sugar. Plus, whole grains are chock-full of filling fiber, which has been proven to lower cholesterol and help people lose weight.


Enjoying your favorite glass of vino can actually be a healthy part of your day, thanks to the antioxidant properties from the grapes. One major one is the polyphenol called resveratrol, which studies have shown can be good for your heart. Red wine is best, but make sure you’re portioning out the proper amount. A serving of wine is only 5 ounces, which is totally easy to bypass when you’re drinking out of a standard wine glass. Make sure to measure your pour, and stick to only a couple glasses, tops.


Adding some tea to your daily diet could help you shed weight without even realizing it. Green tea especially contains EGCG, antioxidative compounds researchers believe could help rev your metabolism and blast away fat. Another study found that people who drank 4-5 cups of green tea a day and exercised 25 minutes lost more weight than the non-tea drinking exercisers. For more ways tea can help you slim down, check out our 22 Best Teas for Weight Loss.


You know getting enough sleep each night is crucial for productivity, brain function, and your overall health. But it’s also important for your waistline, too. People who don’t get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep a night are more at risk for weight gain, a study published in the journal Sleep found. And to burn fat even quicker, don’t miss this essential list of 55 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism—Fast!

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