  • 04:00

Top 5 Dieting Myths Busted; They Never Really Work

Hear it straight from the horse's mouth. Rounding up the view shared by weight loss experts, we zeroed on the top 5 dieting myths, that have been making a fool out of you for a very long time.

1. Gluten Free is The Way to Go:

Whoever got you believing gluten-free products are all you need to lose weight- fooled you big. The products almost always use rice flour that has a tendency to increase the sugar content of the food. The result is altering blood sugar level that leaves you with hunger pangs, reported Women's Health.

2. Dairy is Not For Diet:

Here's research that will leave you happy. Full-fat dairy products have shown better weight loss benefits than that glass of skimmed milk you hold. Dairy products are high in protein and are your best bet for weight loss diet. So, next time somebody asks you to ditch the glass of full-fat milk, ditch them instead.

3. Cut Fat to Lose Fat:

Suddenly cutting down on your fat intake will do you no good. There is a good fat and a bad fat. Natural fat and dairy fats are healthy. Avoid processed foods these come with the bad fat.

4. Consuming Food After 8 PM is Bad:

According to The Health Site, this is another dieting myth, which apparently makes no sense. If you are with your friends gorging on oily food, it is bad irrespective of the time. If you can keep your midnight hunger pangs satiated with a healthy snack then, by all means, go for it.

5. Green Tea is Mandatory For Losing Weight:

Have to agree that green tea is good for health but mind you, it is no superfood for your weight loss program. The amount of green tea you have to consume to lose a proper weight is just way too much. Buying expensive green tea weight loss supplements was a marketing technique that got you good.

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